Welcome to the 30-Day Challenge page…but first, let me introduce myself!

Pink shirt and pink skirt sitting with a computer

Who am I? My name is QueLinda (aka Coach Q)! I am a Certified Transformational Life Coach, CTC and I’ve been doing individual & group coaching for the past 10+ years. I currently work in health care and credit a big part of my passion to help others live healthy lives to my health care experience (in mental health and hospital operations) over the past 12 years. I am mom to 3 beautiful humans and I’ve been married to my high-school sweetheart for 25 years and we are still in love! My husband and I recently started a brand new church called The Light Elk Grove in Elk Grove, CA and count it an honor to make a difference in our community.

I am super passionate about helping WOMEN live healthy, wealthy & blessed lives!! I truly believe (because it says in His word), that God wants us to prosper and be in good health, even as our soul prospers, so why not me and why not you?

Are you tired of the status quo?

  • Do you want to more energy to do the things you love and spend time with those you love? Do you want to steward the gifts God has given you, but you just don’t have the stamina to make it happen?

  • Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?

  • Do you find yourself putting everyones needs above your own?

  • Well, enough of all that! It’s time to make you the priority by starting with your health, and I’m here to help you do just that! :-)

From one woman to another, I hear ya, I feel ya and I get ya….I’ve been there and done ALL of that!! I’ve learned my lesson and now I’m passionate about helping others avoid the mental and physical decline that I experienced years ago. I’m so thankful God turned things around for me! If He did it for me, He can do it for you. You don’t have to do this alone!! I’m here to encourage, help & support you with tips and tools to HELP you live a healthy, wealthy and blessed life! It’s not too late, take action today!

I TRULY believe when you focus, remove the negative self-talk and take action (even when you’re scared), you’ll be AMAZED at what you can actually do!! I have good news, my friend….I’m here to help you! 😘

Much luv to ya and welcome to the adventure!

Coach Q

JOIN ME September 1 - September 30, 2024

A 30 Day Get Active Challenge!!


Life is better when you move!! ;-)

- Coach Q

I'm in!

Please send me all the details for the


Starts Sunday, September 1st!!!

*don't forget to check your spam filter to confirm your email!

    We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

    WHO is this challenge for, exactly? ALL LADIES who want to feel amazing, look amazing & take control of their health!

    WHAT: It’s a 30-day Get Active challenge!

    WHY: This challenge is for you, if

    • You’re ready to feel good in your body!

    • You want more energy to do things you love and spend time with those you love!

    • You’re SICK & TIRED of feeling SICK & TIRED!

    • You're ready to make YOU the priority!

    • You need the PUSH!

    • You want to kickstart your healthy lifestyle in a fun & challenging environment!

    • You’re feeling alone. You don’t have to do this alone! :-)

    • You’re feeling stiff! It’s time to move those bones! Get active!

    • You’re ready to see amazing results not just in your body, but in your mind!

    • You need accountability. Did you know it increases your chances of success in a major way?

    • You need encouragement & motivation to keep you focused!

    • Going through pre, peri or post menopause and want to lessen your symptoms?

    • If you said YESSS to any of the above, then this challenge is for you!! :-)


      This is a PERFECT opportunity to help someone else who needs this! Invite a friend, co-worker, church ladies group or ladies leadership team, neighbor, etc..

      • BONUS: For every friend or family member you recommend + signs up (for the 30 days), your name will be entered into a drawing for a FREE $100 VISA Gift Card PLUS a FREE individual (1:1) 30 - minute Coaching Session with Coach Q!


    • Ask God for strength to stay focused and committed to this 30- day process! You can do it!!

    • Be ready to put in the work

    • Realize there are no shortcuts

    • Enjoy the process

    • Consistency is the name of the game - slow and steady wins the race

    • Ask God to help you remove all excuses from your vocabulary as to why you can’t do this - YOU CAN!!

    • The awesome thing about this challenge is, you can do it anytime and from anywhere! Even on vacation!! :-)

      The goal for this 30-day challenge (everyone will do the following) :

      • 1. GET ACTIVE (move more, get off the couch, move your muscles): incorporating exercise into your life - at least 2,500k steps every day for 30 days.

      • 2. Healthy Eating Transformation (ask me about this option)


    • FYI** The challenge is FREE FOR THE 1st 7 DAYS - if you choose the 30 days option, it’s $49

    • The challenge will all go down via a Private FB Group (access will be given after you register)

    • There are weekly check-ins with Coach Q to share wins and challenges

    • This is a go-at-your-own-pace challenge!! No need to feel pressured or stressed out!

    • Groups are powerful because there is strength in community! You’ll meet like-minded people, get feedback and learn from others! 

    **********How much is the investment? ONLY $49 **********************************************************************

    • You get access to Coach Q throughout the 30 days via private FB group

    • 24x7 accountability

    • Encouragement, tips & tools to help you see results and stay on track!

    • Safe, encouraging & fun environment

    **********OKAY, I’m ready to do this! How do I get started?***************

    • Register via the “I’M IN” box above. *Make sure you check your spam folder immediately after registering to make sure you’re receiving our emails. If you haven’t received an email, please reach out to us by emailing qsmith@iamcoach.com and we’ll be glad to assist you.

      • Pay the unbelievably low investment price of ONLY $49! (last time it will ever be this low) via one of the following methods.

        • ZELLE - use email: qsmith@iamcoachq.com

    • After you have registered and paid your investment fee, we will send you a welcome email with the Private FB Group info.

    • We look forward to seeing you on the inside! Let’s experience AMAZING results, together!!

    • Don’t let fear & past experiences cloud your decision. Take the step, you’re worth it!! ;-)

      ~Congratulations on investing in your health!! Let’s do this!! :-)

      Coach Q


    *I am a Coach, not a psychotherapist or physician, and I am not trained in diagnosing psychological or medical conditions.  If any issues come up for you that should be handled by a licensed therapist or physician, I insist that you must attend to your health by contacting the appropriate professional.

    *Please know that weight loss results & health changes/improvements vary from individual to individual; you may not achieve similar results. Always consult with your doctor before making ANY major health decisions. 

    Read what others are saying about previous challenges!!


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    “I was very skeptical, not in the program in its self, but in myself. I doubted myself in whether or not I would really be able to do this. But I started it because I knew if there was one thing I was absolutely positive about, it was that I was tired of being tired. I’m 34 years old and the way I felt physically was that of an older person; achy, tired and irritable. What did I have to loose? I’m so glad I did this and stuck with the 30 days. The past few years I have suffered with very bad inflammation in my body and joints. Within a week in a half my inflammation was 90% gone. No more achy joints from just bending over or getting up from my chair. This was HUGE for me! After that feeling I knew I had to see the 30 days all the way through and I did. No more inflammation and no more migraines which I also suffered from for years. I also lost 11lbs and this was with no exercise; however, one thing I wish I would have incorporated was more exercise. Now I know that the foods I was eating was the culprit/poison. My body is finally starting to feel the way that it should feel, healthier and stronger. I am very thankful that I was introduced to Whole30. God is Good!”

    ~Priscilla Latapu

    I am no longer sleepy when I wake up in the morning. My outlook is so much more positive, I feel ready for the day instead of dreading the day. My mood is so much brighter. I used to think I was tired and stiff because I was aging, but my age had nothing to do with it! The food I was eating had everything to do with how I felt emotionally and physically. I learned that the sweets I turned to, to feel better were actually part of the problem. My body feels lighter and my clothes fit better. I'm staying Whole30! My shoulder and elbow pain have disappeared. I thought it was from my job, but now I know there was a lot of inflammation because of the foods I was eating! I am also sleeping more soundly, dreaming when my alarm goes off. I am really enjoying all the new possibilities cooking with spices and foods I never had eaten before. I don't feel deprived. I feel I have thrived!

    ~Susan Leport

    I joined the whole 30 group knowing about the program. I knew the program was effective, but I didn’t anticipate the support and motivation that I would receive from the group. In starting this process I worried that I would fail because of the lack of motivation I had, going into the group. Through the process I was surprised by how motivated I became. I gained energy, and certain physical pains disappeared. I was sleeping better at night. My clothes fit me better, and I can look in the mirror and feel inspired to continue, because of the results that I’ve achieved.

    ~Edna Carrasco

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    “My journey through the Whole30 would not have been as meaningful, satisfying or successful without Coach Q. She provided a community that was supportive and validating. Her guidance and encouragement made the process so much easier. Even when we had a setback, Coach Q was there cheering us onward. I am so grateful for the blessing this has been. I am more focused, I sleep better and I have created a healthier lifestyle. I highly encourage anyone out there to check out Coach Q. She has so much to offer and she actually lives what she shares.”

    ~Anita Clark

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    “I began the Whole30 journey with a mind to gain control of my health. Since my family has a history of obesity, heart issues, and diabetes, continuing the cycle was not a viable option. I want to still be active as I grow older. I know how to eat well but got lazy and it began to take a toll on me. Through planning and preparation within the program, I was able to lose 11.5lbs (without exercising). I am less bloated and my waist-line is slimmer. My husband has mentioned how much more positive I am about this program versus other methods of weight loss. I didn't feel like I was deprived during this time, conversely, I felt like I was eating too much! Now that I'm on the other side of the program and can reintroduce foods back into my diet, I will really take stock and evaluate if the foods are really worth it because I feel amazing!”

    ~Kowana Luci

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    “Even through the struggles I have really enjoyed being a part of this group and working with Coach Q. I have had my thoughts and associations about food challenges through this process in ways that were very enlightening to me, for example, using food as a reward, and snacking while doing certain tasks just out of habit. And maybe most importantly, using food as almost like a rebellion- when I’ve had a bad day, so I’m going to eat junk food as a way to ‘push back’. My ‘why’ for joining was primarily health related and I saw unexpectedly fast improvements in my health, in ways I haven’t seen for decades. Also, I was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the middle of my 30 days, but I chose to continue as best I could because it gave me great peace of mind knowing that I was feeding myself only nutrition and nothing harmful, and now that I am past the 30 days and nearly over my COVID-19 symptoms, I’m grateful I stuck with it so I don’t have to ‘start all over’ with getting on a healthy track. Thanks to Coach Q and the great group of ladies who were on this journey with me!”

    ~Kirsten Poling


    “My experience with Coach Q was amazing. She is just wonderful helping and listening. Because of her I did something that I’ve never done for a continuous 30 days. She introduced Whole30 to me and I decided to change my lifestyle and my family’s as well. I love the results. I wish I could have done this earlier. This was the most amazing 30 days of my life. No more coughing, heart burn, aches and pains. I can’t thank you enough.

    ~Deepa Maharaj

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    “Coach Q, I really want to take this time to thank you so much for all the help and support you have given me. I could not have done this at all without you. You have such a gentle spirit. I lost 13.2 lb and 3 inches around my waist. My monthly glucose average used to be between 135/140, but for the last 30 days it's been 98. I don't get up in the middle of the night and eat any more, I sleep all through the night and I have less pain in my back from my arthritis. I also don't eat snacks between meals, this has been such a big win for me! Thank you Coach Q.”

    ~Kathy Guild

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    “Had an amazing month on Whole30 with Coach Q. She kept me motivated, understood the struggles and had great tips for powering through. I lost 12 lbs, my allergies decreased, and my skin is glowing! Can't wait for the next round.”

    ~Cindy Ford

     “Coach Q is a wonderful coach: after deciding to take the challenge and going through the process I feel so much better. I am encouraged to continue because if I feel as well as I do now, I believe there is more for me on this health journey of Whole30. I am looking forward to the next 30 days.”

    ~Maxine Thornton