Coach Q in pink shirt and pink shirt standing by a door

Greetings! I am Coach Q!


I am a mom of 3 energizer bunnies (12, 16 & 20), wife, full-time employee, entrepreneur, pastor’s wife/church co-founder, business owner, singer-songwriter, inspirational speaker and a certified transformational life coach.


I am super-passionate about helping super-hero type women, those who are on the front lines everyday, saving everyone, but themselves! The working moms, mover and shakers, women in ministry or leadership roles, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, business owners or the like! The overwhelm, pressure and silent frustration has you on the edge - you’re merely existing and not really living.


I’ve been where you’re at and understand what you’re going through! I was giving, giving, giving until I couldn’t give anymore. I was worn out and not sure how to move forward. The frustration, overwhelm and lack of energy was exhausting until, one day I woke up and took my cape off and screamed, “things have to change!” That doesn’t mean I stopped giving, it just means I got clear on my vision, created a clear plan and took action. This H.E.L.P system that I created changed my world and I’m super excited about using it to HELP as many women as possible.

I can’t wait to see the transformation in your life as we work together to get your life back and on track! Are you ready to SMILE again and really mean it? Are you ready to see positive results in your life? Are you ready to make a difference? Are you ready to live and not just exist? It’s your time!!

Coach Q in a white jacket drinking a cup of hot chocolate

7 Fun Facts! 

  1. My husband & I started liking each other in jr. high/high-school. He was 13 & I was 16! Yep, I’m that older woman, lol! We are truly high-school sweet hearts. We’ve been married almost 25 years & have 3 beautiful kids.

  2. I love Mexican hot chocolate! That spice is life! YUM! #agirlsbestfriend

  3. I met Shaquille O'Neil & his father in a subway cafe in downtown Sacramento! He asked me quite a few questions and we took pictures. Shaq’s a BIGGGG man!

  4. I love to clothes shop and always dreamed of having a never ending supply of clothes, so I started my very first online clothing business (Style ME Fashions) in 2009 - I got a taste of freedom and now entrepreneurship is in my blood!

  5. I love salmon Poke Bowls!

  6. I write, sing & play the piano. I love gospel music - it’s my happy place!

  7. Seven is my favorite number, so I’ll stop here. *Bonus fact - I love to walk around barefoot…I guess that’s the Texas in me! Yep, I’m a bit country!


Teaching & Speaking Services:

In addition to my 1:1 coaching, I’m passionate about teaching & inspiring young ladies and women of all ages & all walks of life to dream extremely big, set crystal clear goals & take massive action!

Speaking engagements range from girls soccer teams, church events, retreats, summits, big corporations such as AECOM & Kaiser Permanente plus my SUPER GROWTH sessions that I founded & host throughout the year. These SUPER CHARGED in-person GROWTH sessions are, INSPIRING, EDUCATIONAL, LIVELY & LIFE-CHANGING! They are designed to provide tools to help you grow and transform in ALL areas of your life - Financial, Business, Relationships, Health, Spiritual, etc..

These sessions are also a great place to meet and network with like-minded women who are driven to live life with balance and purpose.

If you’re interested in having me speak at your next event, hosting a session (on-line or in-person) or would like to stay updated on details regarding these amazing sessions, please click the link below.

“I'm always encouraged after talking with Coach Q. She's full of wisdom and pulls you out of your comfort zone. She's genuine and she truly cares”