Coach Q in a pink skirt and pink pleated skirt leaning against a wall

Coach Q at your service!

It’s time! Take action, so you can focus on the things that bring you joy!


  • 1:1 coaching from an out of the box thinker and someone who truly believes in you!! I’m not your typical coach - a little weird, but in a good way! My passion for wanting to help you break out of the status quo, see bigger and better for your life and go from scattered to successful is a bit different - if you’re okay with that, then I’m your girl! ;-)

  • Clarity on your definition of successful - what does it mean to you?

  • A clear plan to simplify your life - is the cape needed? How does your current situation line up with your new definition of successful?

  • Energized mentally & physically - heath & wellness is a big part of my H.E.L.P system.

  • Lots of love & life-long support - be a part of a community that cares!

  • Okay…..that’s enough, let’s start the process!!



This is for those screaming, HELP me, right now! I’m ready to get my life back and on track! I”m overwhelmed, tired, frustrated and ready to create a plan to simplify, so I can be successful & get my HAPPY BACK!!

This package includes:

  • (12) .50 minute 1:1 sessions via phone

  • My H.E.L.P system - a 4 step plan that will transform your life! It will HELP you see life with more clarity, be a wiz at time-management and gain the confidence needed to be successful.

  • Unlimited access to Coach Q for the 12 sessions


  • call for more info

woman smiling with a blue top

“Coach Q is an incredible Life Coach! She is very personable and passionate about helping you not only set your goals, but also identify practical steps within your reach to stay focused, motivated and stay determined. Thank you Coach Q, you're truly a role model and an inspiration!”

-Angie Sillimon, Pastor’s Wife & Training Consultant, Kaiser Permanente


Transform Slow, but Steady Package

This package is for you if you would like to focus on being successful in one area of your life. It could be your finances, career, business, health, family, personal, home etc..

You realize this area (fill in the blank) is something you’ve ignored for WAY to long and you’re ready to set goals, make it happen and celebrate!

This package includes:

  • (6) .50 minute 1:1 sessions via phone

  • We’ll dig deep and tackle the issue together

  • Set goals to help with clarity & focus

  • Create a clear action plan for the desired result


  • call for more info

'“I signed and committed myself to 3 months of personal coaching sessions with Coach Q. I came in with specific goals in mind, followed through under her guidance and got them accomplished sooner than I had expected simply because Coach Q always held me accountable and challenged me to be more intentional on the things I considered important to myself. And that's the reason why I continue coming back to her”

- Murphy *yes, I coach men too ;-)

colorful healthy food with on a tray and pink decorated with pink and white tulips

Transform your health package

Are you on track to reach your health & wellness goals for 2020? If not, I got you! ;-)

It’s time to get your health back and on track, so you can feel energized, confident and HAPPY in the amazing body God has given you!

Educating & helping women to take care of their health is a HUGE part of my mission. I firmly believe (and I’m a witness) that if you invest in yourself by eating clean & exercising, you’ll notice a HUGE transformation will start to take place in other areas of your life!

This package includes:

  • A very easy to follow 30 day eating & exercise plan

  • 4 weekly check-ins = (.30 min) 1:1 phone coaching sessions with me

  • 24 x 7 access to Coach Q for the 30 days

  • Your very own personal cheerleader & accountability partner


  • call for more info