How I transformed my health, lost 25 pounds + got my happy back!


I am often complimented on my smile and told that it’s warm, friendly and it appears that I’m happy all the time. There have been times in my life when the smile did not reflect what was going on inside.

Have you ever smiled through the tears, have you ever kept up a facade to mask the pain, have you pretended that all was well, but you were hurting on the inside? Emotionally and physically? Well, I have! Honey, grab a cup of tea! Been there and done that! There was a period in my life that I was juggling many different roles and responsibilities, but I chose to ignore that my body was breaking down. I had headaches, I had backaches, I wasn’t getting enough rest, I had no balance in my life and my family was suffering as a result of my decisions. I stayed in the cycle because I didn’t want to admit I was falling apart. My thoughts were at this time, …….nah, I’m not falling apart, not me, I’m QueLinda (business owner, mom of 3, pastor’s wife, singer/songwriter, music-director, full-time employee) I got this, I’m a professional juggler! I can’t slow down because too many people are relying on me. I’m tough, I can handle this!! Well, WAKE UP CALL, my body began to tell me otherwise!!

I could listen or I could ignore the signs and go on a journey that I may never return from. My mom fought a brutal battle with cancer and thank God she won, but the thought or possibility of me getting cancer started to haunt me. Plus, it weighed on me that I wasn’t being a good example to my kids. I also felt this was something I needed to conquer in order for me to see changes in other areas of my life.

I finally got FED up with having no energy, eating un-healthy foods, packing on unwanted pounds, the upset stomach, back pain, inconsistent sleep, headaches and crazy mood swings. I prayed to God and said, “ PLEASE HELP ME! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE!”

There was a lady at my job who told me about an eating plan that transformed her and husband’s life. She said it consisted of clean eating, no diet, no shakes, no pills, no powders, just eating clean food. I was intrigued, so I did a bit of research, but then I forgot about it and went back to my old ways. I wasted a year! The lesson here is, if you relate to my story, don’t let it take a year before you take action. God answered my prayer when my co-worker told me about this eating plan, called Whole30 (30 days of eating whole foods), but I failed to take action at that time. It took me an entire year before I tried out Whole30 and I am SUPER HAPPY to say, that 5 years ago, I tried it and it TRANSFORMED MY LIFE! AND OMGdness, I’ve haven’t been the same since!!

I have gone on to complete 6 rounds and I have made Whole30 a lifestyle. I FEEL AMAZING and I eat healthy, nutrient dense foods, my energy is back, I have no headaches, stomach aches, back pain, upset stomach or sugar cravings and I’ve lost over 25 pounds eating clean and exercising.

I am super passionate about helping women just like you eat good, feel good and look good. You CAN feel good again, I’m a witness!! You CAN get your energy back and also gain confidence so you can pursue the things that really matter.

I am currently helping women like you take charge right now! Are you next? Tomorrow is not promised, so take action now. You can do it, I believe in you! ;-)

Check out what others are saying!!

“My journey through the Whole30 would not have been as meaningful, satisfying or successful without Coach Q. She provided a community that was supportive and validating. Her guidance and encouragement made the process so much easier. Even when we had a setback, Coach Q was there cheering us onward. I am so grateful for the blessing this has been. I am more focused, I sleep better and I have created a healthier lifestyle. I highly encourage anyone out there to check out Coach Q. She has so much to offer and she actually lives what she shares.”

“I began the Whole30 journey with a mind to gain control of my health. Since my family has a history of obesity, heart issues, and diabetes, continuing the cycle was not a viable option. I want to still be active as I grow older. I know how to eat well but got lazy and it began to take a toll on me. Through planning and preparation within the program, I was able to lose 11.5lbs (without exercising). I am less bloated and my waist-line is slimmer. My husband has mentioned how much more positive I am about this program versus other methods of weight loss. I didn't feel like I was deprived during this time, conversely, I felt like I was eating too much! Now that I'm on the other side of the program and can reintroduce foods back into my diet, I will really take stock and evaluate if the foods are really worth it because I feel amazing!”

“I heard about Whole30 through Que from working together. I must say when I would see Que warm up her lunch at work I was always curious what she was eating. We had little talks here and there at work and she convinced me on the awesome benefits of Whole30. I was very skeptical not in the program in its self but in myself. I doubted myself In whether or not I would really be able to do this. But I started it because I knew if there was one thing I was absolutely positive about was that I was tired of being tired. I’m 34 years old and the way I felt physically was that of an older person achy, tired, irritable. What did I have to loose? I’m so glad I did this and stuck with the 30 days. The past few years I have suffered with very bad inflammation in my body and joints. Within a week in a half my inflammation was 90% gone. No more achy joints from just bending over or getting up from my chair. This was HUGE for me! After that feeling I knew I had to see the 30 days all the way through and I did. No more inflammation and no more migraines which I also suffered from for years. I also lost 11lbs and this was with no exercise; however, one thing I wish I would have incorporated was more exercise. Now I know that the foods I was eating was the culprit/poison. My body is finally starting to feel the way that it should feel healthier and stronger. I am very thankful that I was introduced to Whole30. God is Good!”

“Coach Q is a wonderful coach: after deciding to take the challenge and going through the process I feel so much better. I am encouraged to continue because if I feel as well as I do now, I believe there is more for me on this health journey of Whole30. I am looking forward to the next 30 days.”

“I am still on my Whole30 journey but thus far I like the results I am seeing. Prior to starting I had not been sleeping well, I was up and down throughout most nights and my energy levels were very low. Extreme fatigue was very normal for me. This is day 29 for me and I can say that I have more energy than I have had in a long time. I am sleeping better and I have less joint pain. I am definitely enjoying the benefits! Thank you Coach Q for all your help and encouragement!”

“I am no longer sleepy when I wake up in the morning. My outlook is so much more positive, I feel ready for the day instead of dreading the day. My mood is so much brighter. I used to think I was tired and stiff because I was aging, but my age had nothing to do with it! The food I was eating had everything to do with how I felt emotionally and physically. I learned that the sweets I turned to, to feel better were actually part of the problem. My body feels lighter and my clothes fit better. I'm staying Whole30! My shoulder and elbow pain have disappeared. I thought it was from my job, but now I know there was a lot of inflammation because of the foods I was eating! I am also sleeping more soundly, dreaming when my alarm goes off. I am really enjoying all the new possibilities cooking with spices and foods I never had eaten before. I don't feel deprived. I feel I have thrived!”

Are you ready to have your own testimony? Sign-up here to participate in my next 30 day challenge!!


    I created a FREE resource list of the 5 HEALTHY EATING & WEIGHT LOSS GAME CHANGERS that helped me get healthy + lose over 25 pounds! Enter your email below and I’ll send it to you asap!

      Now, when you see me smile, just know that I truly mean it. I truly got my happy back!

      Much luv,

      Coach Q